Welcome to The Vistas Homeowners Association
If you are a current homeowner in our Association in need of a Statement of Account, an Architectural Control Committee Application form or other important homeowner related information, please click on the “Resident Sign-in” button below.
As a homeowner in our Association, if you would like to submit a suggestion, a compliance related response or complaint it must be done in writing; the Association does not accept anonymous submittals.
To submit a suggestion, compliance related response or complaint please click on the “Forms” tab above and provide all pertinent information, including photo documentation whenever possible. You can also email your request to complaints@vistashoa.com or manager@vistashoa.com or send it via USPS mail to the Association Office at 1380 Greg Street, #207 Sparks, NV 89431.
If you have any questions and or need assistance, please contact the Association Office.
With Kind Regards,
The Board of Directors